Sunday, July 29, 2012

What does this all mean to me?


As you might have surmised, this blog has been part of a class on Pop Culture.  The posts were either assigned short blog posts or summaries of other longer assignments.
I feel that I understand the concept of pop culture a great deal more now than before I took this class.  I had a vague idea of the implications of theories like rituals, myths and heroes, but not a clear enough understanding to apply it to my daily life.  I think it was more that I took these things for granted and didn't really recognize how these could affect me and my understanding of things.  I believe that I will be more conscience of pop culture as I encounter it.
I have enjoyed exploring the field of politics and political humor more though our topic papers.  This is a field that is very interesting to me.  Believe it or not I would someday like to do stand up comedy.  I have done some amateur stuff but I am still working on material and timing.  My own approach is very satirical and sarcastic, so this research has helped me to understand the success of those in the field.
I would like to think that I am not affected by stereotypes, and I don't personally consider any to be universally true—for race, for gender, for orientation, for any difference.  I have never understood the concept of casting a net over any group of people and considering them all the same catch.  I do, however, strongly believe that stereotypes play a large role in our career success.  I have chosen a more technical field in IT, so being female has been a challenge, and being older might be an issue for me should I try to change careers or move to a new company. 
Look around places of business and sometimes you notice that the staff is not diverse at all, and, in fact, they might be a carbon copy of the boss.  Sometimes people like to hire folks who are very close to their own personality and values.  I don't even think it's a conscience choice most times.  Some people are just more comfortable being around other people just like them.  That situation, providing a single line of thought, can be a death sentence for ideas and innovation.
During the class I have found the joy of writing again.  I have been technical writing for so long in my job I almost forgot how to craft an essay.  Through our research and reading I have identified a number of pop culture artifacts that I want to explore further.  I have also read essay pieces in our books that were outside of our reading assignments that speak to pop culture in preserving the past responsibly and to creating a good self-image.
I am a member of my company’s Diversity and Inclusion Council and work to make sure that all of our employees are an equal part of our team.  Concepts that we learned about stereotypes will help me to understand thinking patterns by some of our less diversity-acclimated staff.
I also want to find a way to be a better role model for my daughter and to monitor who she idolizes to make sure they are worthy of hero status.  I want her to find positive and enriching heroes that inspire her to follow on a path of great deeds.  I will extend this to work as well and work harder to lead by example.  I work in the industry that provides the world with celebrities and faux heroes, so I want to help my fellow employees to recognize the difference between celebrity and hero. 

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